Keeping track of your finances is not a simple matter. For many of our clients, whose assets are split between multiple accounts, trusts, and investments, having someone skilled in setting up and maintaining a composite set of books is essential.
Bookkeeping Helpers specializes in creating custom bookkeeping solutions for individuals and small businesses. We can do the initial setup in QuickBooks, then provide training to help you succeed on your own; do the books for you; or take complete control, combining bookkeepings, reporting, bill pay, and more.
We also help you properly prepare your books to hand off to a CPA for tax prep once a year or quarterly (for certain small businesses).
So whether you’re looking for a little help to get more organized or someone to take the entire load, we’re here to help. Contact us today for a confidential consultation by filling out the form below or by contacting us at (602) 468-1133.
“We have relied on Carrie to take care of our family’s finances for the past 25 years and she has never let us down. She is reliable, always available and a great person to work with. We would recommend her highly.”
Lee and Linda Cohn